Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Most Brilliant Woman

Michelle Malkin. I know I did not flatter her in my last post (except to say she's a sexy person), but I've now come to realize, in the last few minutes, that she is so very smart, brilliant, and has a worldview that will help humanity.

Michelle Malkin's ideas are OK, or 'so-so' when delivered through ink on a page, but if delivered by her sweet voice, wearing nothing but a necktie, Malkin's ideas are grandiose and flourishing.

Like this:

Except she isn't wearing only her necktie. That's the downside. This isn't an adult blog, so I can't really illustrate my point with graphic images. But use your head. It's your best tool. Click on the pictures to be directed to the brilliant, compassionate ideas of Michelle Malkin (the world-famous conservative scholar!).

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