The newest single from Dredg, called 'I Don't Know' is yet another disappointment from their forthcoming album, The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion. The song is bland and could have been written by anyone. The song is 3:44, just enough time to fit in the radio loop, and it sounds as if it were crafted in just such a manner; straight into catchy tune (an almost irritatingly bump-along digitally-altered bass riff), even catchier chorus, and a pseudo-intellectual message about not knowing where or what humans came from. As one of the hardcore Dredg fans, I was hoping their last album, 2005's Catch Without Arms would be their first and last great disappointment, and that maybe that record's dismal, anti-Dredgian sound and musical aestetic could be attributed to the record label's pressure for money owed, meaning the band was forced to produce soundless, typical, flavorless radio singles to catch the ears of the massive listening zombie music fans in hopes of "paying the dues" to the label. Apparently, with the just released single, I Don't Know, Dredg haven't found their way home to the sound and eclectic style that wowed many of us from the band's beginning.
Is there any hope The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion will redeem itself with the rest of the tracks surrounding this awful single? Probably not, but I'm hoping, because I've been waiting a very long time to be floored once again by an album from Dredg.
If you're curious, listen here.
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