At the Coachella festival, a man called the Naked Wizard doesn't want to wear any clothing. This is not out of the ordinary at a festival such as Coachella, but three brutish policemen plead with the Naked Wizard to put his robe back on saying, "You'll have more fun with your clothes on." After the man refuses, the police move in on the man while a large crowd of festival goers form a circle, making the police brawl the center of attention. One man films the entire affair (see the video here), and we watch the police men bend the man's arms in painful positions, kicking his legs out from under him, and then one officer uses his fist to pin the Naked Wizard's long hair to the grass.
Soon, the Naked Wizard is being tased, again and again, in the heart and the back of the neck. The officers keep bending his arms and one officer drops his knee into the man's abdomen, which gets a shocked verbal response from the crowd.
It's unfortunate the crowd didn't act swiftly and rush these three policemen and beat them to a pulp. Many shocked reactions can be heard from the crowd as people watch a man getting beaten for not wearing clothing. Maybe America needs to get back to fighting the police when the opportunity arises. The crowd in this instance could have rushed the police, grabbed their tasers, and tased the officers until they couldn't stand any longer. The pretty Coachella girls should have pulled at the officers' hair and dropped their knees into their groins and guts. Some of the men could have twisted the officers arms and tried to make them scream. At least from the video, it looked like the police were enjoying it.
Mimicking the short attention span of the average American to introduce important ideas and world happenings in an easy, familiar picture-based format. Thoughts to consider. Click on the pictures for more information.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Is the Dollar Seeing Its Last Days?

Pictures of a new North American currency called the Amero have shown up on the Russian Internet. The currency resembles the Euro and will be adopted by Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. Under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), established by the Bush administration in 2005, what is known as the North American Union was created by enjoining Canada, America, and Mexico, and the Amero would be the common currency.
Has it already been printed? With the current economic problems, government officials still say they are working to keep the dollar strong, rejecting any notion of a North American currency.
Friday, April 24, 2009
World Digital Library

If you're interested in rare and esoteric writings from ancient and distant cultures and time periods, you might like to know about the World Digital Library, found at
The site is easily manipulated and perused.
The digital library isn't comprehensive or based on quantity, but focus, rather, on quality, with a few hundred hard-to-find documents that have been carefully digitalized in order to be shared with information-seeking web travelers who deserve to have these kinds of treasured rarities readily available to them.
Dredging Up I Don't Know

The newest single from Dredg, called 'I Don't Know' is yet another disappointment from their forthcoming album, The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion. The song is bland and could have been written by anyone. The song is 3:44, just enough time to fit in the radio loop, and it sounds as if it were crafted in just such a manner; straight into catchy tune (an almost irritatingly bump-along digitally-altered bass riff), even catchier chorus, and a pseudo-intellectual message about not knowing where or what humans came from. As one of the hardcore Dredg fans, I was hoping their last album, 2005's Catch Without Arms would be their first and last great disappointment, and that maybe that record's dismal, anti-Dredgian sound and musical aestetic could be attributed to the record label's pressure for money owed, meaning the band was forced to produce soundless, typical, flavorless radio singles to catch the ears of the massive listening zombie music fans in hopes of "paying the dues" to the label. Apparently, with the just released single, I Don't Know, Dredg haven't found their way home to the sound and eclectic style that wowed many of us from the band's beginning.
Is there any hope The Pariah, The Parrot, The Delusion will redeem itself with the rest of the tracks surrounding this awful single? Probably not, but I'm hoping, because I've been waiting a very long time to be floored once again by an album from Dredg.
If you're curious, listen here.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Goldman Sachs 666?
Become a part of the rapidly spinning information vortex devoted to opinions and facts concerning Goldman Sachs at the following address:
Goldman Sachs has hired a lawyer to shut down this blog, so read or add to it whilst you still are able.
Goldman Sachs has hired a lawyer to shut down this blog, so read or add to it whilst you still are able.
goldman sachs,
stock market
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