Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wecome to the GOP 2012 Circus

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Bachmann. Huckabee. Trump. Pawlenty. Palin. Santorum. And on, and on.

The Republican lineup for a 2012 presidential run can be defined with images of bullhorns and booze. And a little batshit smeared on the walls to spell C-R-A-Z-Y. (read here)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The face of bliss?


Jared Lee Loughner seems to have no remorse about the deadly Arizona shooting. If there is karma, it is not fast enough or brutal enough for the families of the victims (read here)

Detecting Terrorist Tendencies

All U.S.-born Muslim babies must be scanned for terroristic tendencies (read here), Obama said early Wednesday morning.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial - Popcorn was Served


Bombshells were dropped. Surprising revelations about duct tape coverups were posited.

Caylee Anthony accidentally drowned, she wasn't murdered! says the defense (read here)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Butt-to-Head Hair Transplant; Trump's out for 2012

The Donald quits his 2012 run for president. Rumors have emerged that his hair on his head had been transplanted from his butt by a little-known doctor in Tennessee (read here)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Here's the Heart


of Osama bin Laden, in a multimillion dollar sealed 'jar' at the Bush's Crawford Texas ranch. (read all about it here)

And for God's sake, don't touch it! You can curse it, you can shout at it, but don't touch the glass! "You'll leave prints, and then Laura will have to clean them off," the former president said.

Animal Kingdom Inspired by Osama bin Laden

The horse spat when he talked (read here).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dalai Lama's pilgrimage to see Osama's heart

"I hope he isn't squeamish," Bush told reporters, "the Lama isn't from Texas like me and Laura are. We can take things like hearts in jars." (read it here)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama Presents Bush with Osama's Heart

Osama bin Laden was buried at sea, but the head of JSOC gifted president Obama with the late al-Qaeda leader's heart. President Obama presented the heart to former president GW Bush early Tuesday morning (read it here)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama is Dead

As soon as the confetti clears, Americans will start asking the tough questions about the war on terrorism? (read here)

Osama bin Laden Dead

President Obama is expected to give a report announcing that Osama bin Laden has been killed. (watch here). If bin Laden is truly dead, what does this mean for America and the world? Will all of America's terrorism problems be over? Was bin Laden's death worth almost a trillion dollars of war expense? How many more terrorists were inspired to hate America during the Afghanistan invasions and brutal killing of innocent Afghanis by American troops?

Story is developing.